
libglvnd - The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library

Website: https://github.com/NVIDIA/libglvnd
License: MIT
Vendor: rpms.kwizart.net
This is a work-in-progress implementation of the vendor-neutral dispatch layer
for arbitrating OpenGL API calls between multiple vendors on a per-screen
basis, as described by Andy Ritger's OpenGL ABI proposal [1].

Currently, only the GLX window-system API and OpenGL are supported, but in the
future this library may support EGL and OpenGL ES as well.


libglvnd-0.0.0-1.fc20.src [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Nicolas Chauvet (2015-02-06):
- Initial spec file

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6