Name: iwlwifi-4965-firmware Version: 4.44.15 Release: 3 Summary: Firmware for IntelĀ® PRO/Wireless 4965 A/G/N network adaptors Group: System Environment/Kernel License: Redistributable, no modification permitted URL: Source0:{version}.tgz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch ExcludeArch: ppc ppc64 Provides: iwlwifi-fimware Obsoletes: iwlwifi-firmware =< 2.14.4-1 %description This package contains the firmware required by the iwl4965 driver for Linux. Usage of the firmware is subject to the terms and conditions contained inside the provided LICENSE.iwl4965-ucode file. Please read it carefully. %prep %setup -q -n iwlwifi-4965-ucode-%{version} # Change permission chmod 0644 README.iwlwifi-4965-ucode # Change encoding sed -i 's/\r//' LICENSE.iwlwifi-4965-ucode README.iwlwifi-4965-ucode # Preserve timestamp touch -r iwlwifi-4965.ucode LICENSE.iwlwifi-4965-ucode README.iwlwifi-4965-ucode %build # Nothing to build %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/firmware install -pm 0644 iwlwifi-4965.ucode $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/firmware %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc LICENSE.iwlwifi-4965-ucode README.iwlwifi-4965-ucode /lib/firmware/*ucode %changelog * Sun Jul 15 2007 kwizart < kwizart at > - 4.44.15-3 - Renamed to iwlwifi-4965-firmware - Provides/Obsolete iwlwifi-firmware - Drop the dist tag * Wed Jul 13 2007 kwizart < kwizart at > - 4.44.15-2 - Change to ExcludeArch as this can work with koji - Drop LICENSE.iwlwifi-4965-ucode from /lib/firmware * Wed Jul 13 2007 kwizart < kwizart at > - 4.44.15-1 - Initial package.